Sunday, March 30, 2014

Zoo Hluboká nad Vltavou

A few weeks ago there was gorgeous weather in the Czech Republic, so my friends and I decided to visit the Zoo in Hluboká nad Vltavou, a town roughly one hour from Strakonice. There are several zoos in this country of varying sizes and types of animal species. The most striking feature of the zoo in Hluboká is its picturesque location, which is along Munický Rybník, a manmade pond.

Zoo Entrance

Tree Carving with Animals

Though the temperature was 26C/80F, the abnormally warm weather could not disguise the fact that it was still very much winter in the Czech Republic. The view from the zoo was gorgeous, but will definitely be lovelier once greenery appears and flowers are in full bloom.

Hluboká nad Vltavou

Zámek Hluboká (the castle) can be seen in the distance on the righthand side of the pictures below.


The zoo had a wide array of animals from all over the world. 

Beautiful, Colorful Birds

Of course, a zoo's successfulness depends on its ability to make each habitat seem as real and natural as possible for the animals. I thought this zoo did a fabulous job as we walked from exhibit to exhibit.

Red-Necked Wallabies 

Red-Necked Wallabies


We met some animals from Ice Age along the way, Here's Sid!




The meerkats had an interesting ritual going on for the spectators. 

These are Patas Monkeys from Africa. 

There were some males being aggressive and fighting over the females while others were in the zone and flirting and mating with each other. We even saw a mother with her baby, but unfortunately, I could not get a good picture of them since they were hiding in a back corner.

Being Territorial

I'm not sure of this animal's name, but most of them stayed cooped up inside. This one did decided to venture out and grace us with his presence.

The Sand Cat was my favorite in the zoo. It was adorable!

The bears were in their caves during our visit, so we decided to take a picture with wood-carved versions instead.

Me, Jana & Martina 

There were many very lazy animals in the zoo that just wanted to lay around.




The Siberian Tiger was sunbathing.

We were very lucky and came just after baby goats were born!

There were so tiny and cute!

Some more gorgeous views from the zoo.

Jana & Martina

Jana & Rudolf

Jana & I

Jana, Martina, & I

I took many more photos of the animals at the zoo, but these were among my favorites. It was a fantastic day, and we even walked around eating ice cream. It was definitely a zoo worth seeing!

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