Sunday, November 24, 2013

Cesky Raj

One of the most beautiful locations in the Czech Republic is Cesky Raj, which translates to Bohemian Paradise. It's the oldest nature preserve in the Czech Republic and is now a protected UNESCO sight. Rosie and I took our mothers there to go hiking while they were both visiting.


Trosky Castle Ruins From a Distance

Fallen Leaves 
Me and Mom

Cesky Raj is known for its large sandstone structures that formed from the extreme weather conditions in the area. We enjoyed looking at the various formations and imagining their true identities, just like cloud watching!

A Man's Head on a Pedestal

A Face Wearing a Winter Hat

The Mask 

We hiked a total of 8km, or 5 miles, in roughly two hours from Hruba Skala to Vezicke Udoli and back. Our original plan was to hike to from Hruba Skala to Valdstejn, but apparently Rosie and I are not good at reading maps, which we discovered last time we went hiking in Plzen. It's actually quite ironic because we've been told the Czech Republic has the best marked trails in Europe and there's no way to get lost, but we seem to prove the Czechs wrong each time. Perhaps we'll have better luck next time!

Me in a Cave

Me and Rosie

Unfortunately, our hiking adventure only offers a small glimpse into the Cesky Raj area. We would have liked to go further and see more, but dusk was approaching so we decided to head home. Rosie and I plan to go there again in the Spring to check out some of the rock towns, castles, and chateaus. There are also a lot of outdoor activities to do in the area, such as rock climbing, so I'm definitely looking forward to more adventures next year!

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