Friday, December 6, 2013

Czech Folklore

While we were staying in Prague, I decided to give my mom a taste of the Czech culture by going to the Czech Folklore Garden, which is of course, a huge tourist attraction. It was the best way for her to view and listen to the traditional Czech songs, instruments, and dances. Since it was already autumn, there were no genuine celebrations in any towns or villages, at least that I knew of, so this was our best option.

This is a picture of the band. Their instruments (from left to right) include the violin, dulcimer, double bass, and viola. The dulcimer is a very intriguing instrument that originally comes from the Middle East. It reminds my of a xylophone, except this one is highly complex and takes a lot of skill to play (Hurray, it's being played by a woman!). Below is a video of the band playing:

This is a video of the dancers:

When they asked for volunteers, mom stood up instantly. Here's a video of her getting in on all the action!

Here are some pictures from my favorite dance, but I didn't catch it on video.

Everyone has a partner, except one man. When the music stops, the goal is to find another girl. If you don't, you have to dance with the broom! It was very funny to watch.

We both had a great time, drank all the beer we wanted, and had an exceptional meal, including some apple strudel for dessert. I thought it was well worth the money, and a great night out on the town.

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