Thursday, September 5, 2013

Orientation in Brno

Last week we had our Fulbright ETA (English Teaching Assistantship) Orientation in Brno, which is located in the southeastern part of the country. There are ten of us on this type of Fulbright Scholarship here in the Czech Republic:

Top: Barbara, Lee
Middle: Rosie, Emily, Lori (Me), Andy
Front: Harrison, Mariel, James, David

In just three short days, we became a pretty tight-knit group! The orientation taught us some skills for teaching English as a Foreign Language, most of which were fun, introductory games.

Clockwork Introductions

Identity Switch

A Presentation

Vocabulary Twirls

On the last day, Mary and Lani, two previous Fulbrighters here in the Czech Republic, gave us some hints on how to "survive".

In case you were wondering, we did have fun in Brno, too! We were introduced to a group of Master's students from Masaryk University, who are currently studying American Language and Literature. They showed us some of the sites...

Skyline View of Brno

Skyline with Church

An Old Castle/Prisoner's Dungeon

But more of the pubs...

Pub with Train Tracks Leading to Every Table

Your Order Comes Right to You

Starobrno :)
Unfortunately, I did not get a group picture of all of us, but we all enjoyed their company!

Then, we finally met our mentors, who would be bringing us to our new homes and helping us settle into our Czech lifestyles!

Eva and Vaclav have been taking great care of me :)

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