Friday, September 13, 2013


Last Friday, Jana and Rudolf took Mariel and I to a beer festival in Pisek with their friend, Martina. It's the next town over (about 20km) from Strakonice. A lot of the breweries participated and there were some stalls with food. We ate "Chinese noodles", and I must say I miss New York!

Rudolf, Jana, Mariel, Me, Martina

I tried Černa Hora's boruvka pivo, or blueberry beer, and U Stocesu's fikova pivo, or fig beer. The Czech breweries have been trying to add more flavors to beer, mainly to appeal to the women drinkers. The boruvka pivo was delicious, the fikova pivo not so much.

There were two famous Czech bands playing at the festival. The first band appealed to the younger crowd because they sang in English, YAY! They are called Charlie Straight. I recorded them so you can have a listen...

The next band was pretty good. They were definitely more popular with the crowd because they sang in Czech, and have been around for about fifteen years. This band is called Vypsana Fixa. Mariel and I didn't really understand a word they said, but they sounded great!

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