Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Moje Rodina

A major part of my assimilation into the Czech culture is learning their language, which I might add, is quite challenging. I bought a book called Czech Step by Step. It's supposedly the best book around. It comes with a pocket grammar guide, a CD with some listening exercises, and a workbook to reinforce the activities learned in the textbook. I also have a tutor, Josef, who I just started seeing about once a week. Once I get more of the basics down I'd like to meet with him more often to practice conversational skills, but I'm definitely not at that point yet. However, I thought you might like to see how far (or how little) I've come in the three months since my arrival.

Here's a slideshow of moje rodina, or my family, and me speaking about them in Czech-- all good things of course :)

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